Friday 22 March 2013

I return

Oh my word, I can't believe it's been over a year since my last (and 3rd) blog post. Damn. Well I'm back now and I've been cracking on with some new projects which I'll get to ASAP. For now though enjoy some pics of the mini's I've been working on since the last post.

Post apocalyptic death race car converted from cheap pack of three from poundland.

A warband I made of some feral ghouls with a crazed super mutant. Sorry for crappy pic but will take some new ones when I get a chance.

That's all I got piccies of at the moment I'm afraid. Thought I had more. I'll try and get some more taken  asap.


  1. Yeah - that car looks great - straight out of Dark Future. Well done. What scale is it in?
